How We Help

We help students put their big break into action.
Our founder, Randi Millard, is a career educator and mom of four. Joe* is a real former student of Randi. Joe’s story is the accepted career education practice — not the exception. Randi calls this accepted career education practice the “select and wait” program, and for a while, Randi faced the same classroom outcomes from this type of programming that many teachers face. Career planning wasn’t resulting in action plans. And because the students had to wait to start their journeys, the teachers never really knew if the program was working.
*Name changed to protect privacy.
In the classroom, Randi was faced with the
usual big-system career education issues:
Randi was working with a lot of students at one time — sometimes her class size topped 100 students! Most days she worked with an average class of 25 students but only during a 45-minute Innovations or Advisory period.
The most difficult and heartbreaking problem Randi faced was how many students were being left out of receiving high-quality career education programming. The standard content does not meet students where they are developmentally — instead it is mostly working only for students who already have a highly developed sense of career direction as well as the skills and abilities to match.
Students’ career assessments and interest inventories were resulting in comments like, “I don’t want to do what these career assessments recommend — it’s not who I am!” or “My interest is music, but I don’t want to be a musician.”
Students felt that the content really wasn’t teaching them anything about work. They were writing papers to answer, “What did you love doing when you were younger?” But their answer was, “I am 16. I am still young.” They would interview their parents with the same question and be told, “My career path wasn’t informed by something I wanted to do when I was young.”
Randi decided she didn’t want any more “select and wait” content. She knew that there was a workplace for everyone, and she determined to help all students transition from school to meaningful work.
But how? Randi created Learner2Earner with the following goals:

Using a visual tool allows facilitators to work more efficiently. Facilitators are able to work with more students at one time, helping the students create working models, seeing the thinking behind students’ ideas, and identifying gaps in understanding.
Career advising must be individualized and differentiated because a student's career growth is dependent on a variety of circumstances. Using an iterative career guidance method ensures all students can access career education programming from where there are.
An engaging and interactive environment is created by using cutting-edge career curriculum that is taken from the workplace and combined with educational standards, to enable genuine self-exploration.
Using a visual tool allows facilitators to work with more students efficiently. Facilitators are able to work with more students at one time, helping the students create working models, seeing the thinking behind students’ ideas, and identifying gaps in understanding.
Get Started Today!
Choose the option that’s best for you to get more information or to schedule a program:
3 hours; replaces your traditional career day, hosted by a school or sponsoring organization, and delivered by a Learner2Earner facilitator
1 hour; delivered live or virtually by Learner2Earner facilitators
Full school year of career development programming that includes actionable activities
Learn to teach the Learner2Earner program