L2E Field Notes

As an applied career innovation organization, our work should be visible in your classrooms, in your courses, and in your workplaces — in other words, in the field.

Our L2E Field Notes are designed to help you. But “helping young people transition from school to work” is at the heart of what we do, so our field notes all include a version to be utilized by the student — the same message but adapted with learners in mind.

The Shift to Adaptive Work and Life Models

Start with Work: Rethinking Career Education

Teach Students to Build Bold Goals

Debunking Work Myths: Empowering Students to Make Informed Career Choices

Integrating PBIS and Career Services: A Comprehensive Approach to Student Success

The Magic of Thinking Big: A Book for Big and Small Thinkers


Are you ready to have an immediate impact on your young people’s lives?